2 very different awards ceremonies

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A trio of years ago, Midi Corp. launched China’s first rock music awards in Beijing.

In the last few days, there have been two very conflicting awards in Shanghai. The first was Mao Livehouse Shanghai’s inaugural award ceremony, simply their opinion on a variety of categories related to the venue.  Smartshanghai have written up the list of winners here, There were some strange categories (Best Live Music Venue Partners??) and some strange winners (Da Fresh as best new local band – haven’t they been around for like 5 years?). Apparently the night was packed with Chinese fans waiting for folk singer SuYang. There was quite a lot of disappointment when Da Fresh played for longer.

On the other side of the spectrum, and highlighting the difference of opinions between the expat and Chinese local music communities. Shanghai 24/7 published today the third (unofficial) Shanghai Grammies. You can check that out here.

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