Black Eyed Peas not fit for Islam

Guinness banned from featuring their brand at a Black Eyed Peas concert in Malaysia

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OK, it’s not about China.  Our apologies – we have recently been exploring opportunities outside of China, and we thought we might post some of the more interesting snippits from around Asia.

THIS one caught our attention – Guinness, in the year of its 250th anniversary, is sponsoring a whole host of shows across the planet.  The beer company has a factory in Malaysia and the country is a important strategic market.  They have been planning a big show in KL for months, to feature those “complete-newbies-to branded concerts”, the Black Eyed Peas.  In a curious twist of fate, the Malaysian government have banned all Muslims from attending the show, due to the fact that it is being sponsored by an alcohol brand.  The show will go on, but Guinness will not be allowed to sell or give away beer, nor have any kind of branding in the venue.

We wondering if the global publicity the ban is receiving will make up in any way for the disastrous consequences of the ban locally?

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