Back for more: Inter City Music Festival Returns to Qingdao

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We wrote about Pilot Records’ Inter City Music Festival around this time last year, as part of a series on where music festivals were relocating due to the Liang Hui. Evidently they found Qingdao quite hospitable as the festival returns for a second year there.

Pilot Music is known mostly as a metal/hardcore label, but the lineup for this year’s Inter City festival seems to cover a lot of bases, from folk (Zang Tianshuo 臧天朔) to rock (Zheng Jun 郑钧) to pop (Cheer Chen 陈绮贞) all playing aside Pilot’s stable of artists including CMCB, Twisted Machine, and Reflector, plus ubiquitous festival headliners Miserable Faith. The organisers have put together a slick little preview video that we’ve included below, and a much tackier event poster (we much prefer last year’s version).

Although the logo is much less prominent, it would be irresponsible for us not to note that Red Bull is one of the sponsors of the festival, bringing the energy drink company’s music festival sponsorship count to two, after their presenting sponsorship at Hebei’s Zhangbei InMusic Festival. However, much like last year, the primary sponsors for Inter City are the Qingdao Huangdao District Government and Qingdao Economics and Technology Development Group.

Idyllic, tourism board-approved preview video:

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