Slowdive Hit Shanghai

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So as you may know, shoegaze pioneers Slowdive played Shanghai as part of their reunion tour last weekend. Serious fans were pleasantly surprised the band would be making an appearance in the Mainland – all in all between 500-600 turned up according to and our contributors. This isn’t a bad turnout but it could arguably have been better, given that Neil Halstead’s last solo performance in China pulled in about 600 fans.

There was a bit of a kafuffle with the ticketing at QSW – they tried to introduce a tiered ticketing offering with balcony tickets going for 280RMB vs. basement floor tickets going for 330RMB. In the end the venue didn’t sell enough so the crowd were all directed to the basement floor, with the balcony becoming a VIP area.

Though the performance reportedly paled in comparison to their appearance at Primavera (fair enough) it seemed the band was well received.’s Chinese language feature contains some great pics that we’ll repurpose here.

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(Photos by 与丽丽安)

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