0093 Farewell Party

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Dirty, dank, dusty, smelly, worn and sweaty, in the best way possible: the 0093 rehearsal space provided the perfect culture from which some of Shanghai’s edgiest underground acts could emerge.

Tonight, Lao Jiang (who got his first practice room from Wu Jun of Godot fame) and partner Wang Tian Tian call it a day, concluding a 6-year legacy of nurturing and philanthropy (well basically, given that they were charging 35/50RMB per hour). They put on regular nights back in the day with the Young Shanghai series in 2008, released a compilation CD in 2009 (appropriately titled Rock Shanghai 2009 featuring Candy Shop, Bang Bang Tang, Joker, Pinkberry and Banana Monkey amongst others), and generally provided support to all budding musicians in need, out of pure love for music.

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0093 will live on in the memories of our favourite local acts, with Top Floor Circus’ album 蒂米重访零陵路93号 (Lingling-Rd 93 Revisited, Timmy!) being one of our favourite dedications.

 Come along to Yuyintang tonight for a final Rock 0093 show and give the guys your blessings and thanks: you’ve got sets from Top Floor Circus, Joker, Candy Shop, Pink Berry and Forget and Forgive to look forward to!


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