Does Live Music feel bubbly to you?

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Recently, we’ve been thinking that China’s emerging live music scene feels a little bubbly. From the sold out Maroon 5 show to the upcoming Blue // Elton John // Jennifer Lopez triple header, to mid range bands like the Fray, to DJ’s like Skrillex and Justice, to metal bands like Cannibal Corpse and Unearth, to smaller touring artists like Kikuyu, Jamie Woon and the Smith Street Band, to underground raves like Savage Skulls and Surkin, there has never been more or a wider variety of live music on show for Chinese fans.

is the bubble about to burst: Chinese live music

At the same time, China feels bubbly across most sectors, of which live music is just one. The global recession (meaning international brands have less money to invest and local companies are exporting less), the power handover for China’s favorite Party (meaning that business will be harder to do and overt and superfluous spending will be less), added to potential ticket buyer fatigue (the market always gets ahead of itself from time to time) all suggest to us that we might be in for a tougher 2013.

While thinking about these things, our minds were taken back to February 2008, when we predicted that a bubble was just about to burst. You can read this again HERE. Ironic then that 6 months later, 2 of the 3 companies being featured were no more.

The last thing we want is for this to happen. Our entire business is tied up in the continuation of this upward curve. We are, however, thinking twice about the number of shows we are planning for 2013.


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