His Bob-ness confirms Asia dates, s-l-o-w-l-y

Dates for Bob Dylan Asia tour slowly being confirmed

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The Bob Dylan announcement that we made a while back received a lot of feedback, some good, some bad. HERE.

According to the official site, dates have only been confirmed as far as Tokyo on the 29th March.  According to this Bob Dylan link site, the Shanghai show will be at the Grand Stage on the 6th April.  For a much more intimate performance, you will be able to catch him at Taipei’s new Legacy club.  If you are lucky enough to go to this show, you will share the experience with only 999 other patrons, as opposed to 9,999 in Shanghai.

Beijing, HK, Korea all yet to be confirmed.  There’s a lot riding on this, so we’d imagine the dates will be confirmed soon…

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