Nothing Else Matters: Music Matters 2014

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From the 20th – 25th of May the heavy-hitters and atom-splitters of the entertainment and tech industries will collide at 2014’s instalment of Music Matters, hosted for the 9th time in Singapore at the fancy-pants Ritz Carlton.

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All That Matters is the only Business2Business2Fan event in Asia that covers all entertainment verticals; music, digital, sponsorship and social media. The 5-day program will condense best-practices, latest trends and case studies from the digital, music and social media industries, delivered by some of the world’s best speakers.

Of course what conference would be complete without a China panel? Our sister company Split Works is being represented by MD Archie Hamilton, who will talk alongside others in the trenches, in a panel entitled “Live and Loud: Channeling China’s growth demands to commerce”:

China is a market dominated by local repertoire and breaking into this market has been an enigma for most international artists.  Industry experts working in the trenches discuss the opportunities for market entry opportunities and strategies including touring, digital distribution and sponsorship for international acts looking to enter the Chinese market.

The panel takes place on the 21st May at 09:30am.

Reggie Ba-Pe, Co-Founder, S.T.D.
Scarlett Li, Founder & CEO, Zebra Media Inc
Adam Wilkes, Senior Vice President Music and Touring – Asia, AEG Live
Archie Hamilton, Managing Director, Split United
Moderator: Ed Peto, Managing Director, Outdustry

Full details on the conference programming are available on the website or here.

On the music side, there’s the Youtube Fan Fest, sponsored by HP. Artists include Youtube favourites Jenna Marbles, Tobuscus, Vsauce and Bethany Mota. Then of course there’s Music Matters Live, an event that has, in the past, met with our opprobrium.  2014 promises more venues and better programming, with the organisers having lined up a solid roster including Gentle Bones, Juveniles and Kyoto Protocol. Read more about the lineup on Other Sounds blog.

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