And this time, it’s Mojo

Mojo offers another Western 'analysis' of the local music scene in China

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More Western “analysis” of the local scene in China, this time courtesy of Mojo.

You can read it for yourself HERE.

Not many insights in there for those of us living in China, but of course, there is the ubiquitous “Beijing is the next hot thing”.  Perhaps it is, but for us, last weekend certainly didn’t feel like it.  100 people for Yufeimen’s CD launch at the Star Live and perhaps 200 people at the Queen Sea Big Shark, Casino Demon, new “Hedgehog” lite.  For all the sub zero temperatures, this points more to there being a REALLY long way to go….

As a postscript, we would like to RIP Hedgehog, who sadly are no more.  The bassist recently departed and now guitarist and drummer are taking on another guise.  A shame, as Hedgehog were one of the more promising bands from the Capital.

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